generic about me!

Thanks for stopping by my personal website!!

I'm a hobbyist programmer who is mostly interested in embedded systems and electrical engineering. You can see some of my programming projects at /blog/projects/index.

If you wanna learn more about me, check out /about.

A large 3DS logo spanning the entire button.Creative commons "by" and "share alike" logo.A representation of a wired ANSI Colemak keyboard with an animation typing out "Colemak" and return.A parody danger warning banner for "DHMO," also known as dihydrogen monoxide or water.The Firefox browser logo with the text "tested on Firefox" in the logo colors.The IfranView image viewer logo.The Lemmy social media logo next to large text stating "Lemmy" and a subtitle of ""The Mastodon social media platform logo with text reading "Mastodon."A badge with text reading "made by a human" to the right of a drawn smily face.A parody "powered by" button reading "Powered by THE VOID" with a black box to the right.The transgender flag.A parody banner reading "Best [viewed with] 24-bit Truecolour."The Xenia Linux mascot with text reading "Linux NOW!"

contact me!

Hey, please don't feel afraid to contact me! Please keep in mind that I am a minor.

I do really enjoy speaking to random people on this World Wide Web! If you share an interest with me or were wowed by something I did, I'd be more than happy to discuss it!

Discord sheepy0125
Email sheepy(AT@)sheepy(DOT.)moe